Monday, April 4, 2011

Hola all!

Ok y'all. This be my first blog. And that wasn't meant to come off all pirate-y and all, but hey sometimes that happens, and one just needs to drag their peg leg outta the sand and move on with life. As you may have noticed ALREADY, I am what I like to refer to myself as delightfully random. Sometimes I don't make a whole lot of sense, my brain seems to have moved on to something else before my mouth (or fingers, in this case) can catch up to work together simultaneously. Sometimes my brain is also late. It happens. But here I go getting ahead or behind of myself.

My name is Sara, but for my online blogging purposes I shall henceforth refer to myself as mingo. Mingo happens to be an abbreviation of my first EVER email addy, pinkflamingo5017. I chose this name back in the day because of an obsession I used to have with buttons. Not the kind of buttons that hold clothes closed, the buttons that proclaim witty and/or ridiculous pictures or phrases that somehow let the outside world know exactly what kind of person you ARE. Back in the day in high school, these buttons were awesome. I had 85 thousand different buttons attached to my backpack. (I have a very slight tendency to over exaggerate numbers. For some reason, it always seems to be a variation on the number 85 in particular. No one, least of all me, knows why this is.) Anyhoo, one of my most favoritest buttons was bright green, with a pink flamingo on it. It proclaimed, "I am the pink flamingo on the great lawn of life." And I saw this button and was like, holy toledo that's freakin awesome. That is ME. So here I am today, still the mingo.

I'm unsure why I decided to begin this blog. A friend of mine is very computer-oriented, and she suggested I begin one to honor the national? blog every day for a month thingeemajigger. In technical terms. Ironically enough, I started the blog too late to coincide with that. I had been thinking, what is the point of a blog that no one will read? And she said, well it'll be more like an online diary then, and you can do it for yourself. So here I am. I'm thinking I'll like this, I've always liked writing, so getting my jumbled thoughts out in a semi-cohesive manner will be productive, I think. Which leads to the invention of my blog name. My life is a freakin zoo. I have a crazy family, who have herd-like tendencies. They are a pack. A pride. (You now have learned that I have no idea how to properly use animal metaphors.) Anyway, I needed a phrase that described the chaoticness of my mind and the world around me. Aaaaand I like alliteration. And so mingo's mangled menagerie was born.

I think this is a good beginning. It semi-explains my purpose and how I came to be here, and I suppose future posts will expand on that. For now, I am done. Adios, all!

1 comment:

  1. don't u mean TOO late?? bwahahahaha!!!!! (commented by ali but ivan saw it) =)
