Friday, May 13, 2011

Childhood Toys and OBSESSION

Today I have decided to once again look back in the day at the things I used to love when I was a little kid. I had a few favorite toys that I couldn't get enough of, and to this day I still remember how ridiculously attached to them I was.

Little mingo was like any other girly girl who grew up loving dolls. I was very much attached to Barbies, just like millions of other little girls. I had tons of Barbie dolls, and a Barbie house, and a Barbie car, and a suitcase, and even a motorized jeep. Man, that thing was awesome. My mom used to charge that thing up and I'd hop on and ride it all over the backyard and sidewalks. It was bubble gum pink and white and cool as hell. So little mingo thought. This one is kind of how mine looked, except for the "floodlights" on the back of the jeep.  


Another thing I loved was my pink Barbie suitcase. That thing was amazing, I had it for years. It was basically like a modern day rolling hard cover suitcase, except when you opened it up, it became like a travel-sized house on the inside! There was a pullout bed that opened up into a bathtub, and revolving hangers inside a clothes closet, and there were working drawers and the lights turned on! After batteries were included, of course. That suitcase was freakin awesome. It was one of the few Barbie items I never ever got tired of, and I believe the only one to make the move from Texas to Illinois when we moved. I can't believe I found this picture of it online!!


Another doll-type toy I deeply connected with were my glow-worms. I don't know if anyone remembers these, but they were basically dolls with a plush body. The face was plastic, and when you squeezed them the faces lit up. They resembled a cross between what a tightly swaddled baby looks like and the segmented body of a worm. They sound odd, and to be honest a little freakish, but my glow-worms were my ROCK. I went to sleep with them every night, a large glow-worm and a baby-sized glow-worm.


Little mingo's fave was like the blue one. I'm fairly positive the glow worm I had never had an expression like the green one there. If it had, I'm certain we never would have bonded. He's looking at me as if to say, "Hey, baby, how you been doin? Why don't you stay by my place tonight? C'mere and give big daddy a squeeze..." EW. Creepy.

One toy in particular fostered my early love for jewelry. It took a little bit or searching to find what the junk these things were called, but eventually I did: Crayola Creations, Joolz Magic Rocks. I was asking my mom if she remembered these things using this explanation: "Hey mom? Do you remember these rock things that eventually turned into jewels, and then I had these plastic animals that the jewels went inside to create the body?" After blank stares, I realized my succinct description was not going to work. I was astonished I was able to find these things at all, all except for the animals.


I also found this lovely diagram to explain how the miraculous change from rock to gem takes place:


You basically put the ugly rocks into the magic diamond-shaped revealer, added water, and hey presto! Instant gems. My particular set of Joolz didn't have an option to make jewelry exactly, which is where the animals come into play. The idea for creating the animals was similar to that of a cell phone case. It's basically a shell, and it opens to fit the phone snugly inside, and then you snap it shut. Beautiful. The animals operated akin to this. My animal cases were comprised of sparkly pink plastic, and you opened them up to fit the transformed Joolz inside. My favorite was a cat that had a heart shaped face. So sweet.

Ok, one last one that I was completely obsessed with: LITE BRITE. I was ADDICTED to that thing!! There was something about creating vivid pictures surrounded by that soothing glow of light that instantly attracted me. Sure, the hundreds of teeny multicolored plastic bulbs you had to attach to the lights became easily lost. And most often, unless you followed a specific pattern, your pictures were nothing more than glowing jumbles of colored crap. But all that didn't matter, because the Lite Brite was awesome. 'Nuff said.

I was just like this little kid, playing with my Lite-Brite in the dark, intent on my glowing creations. Doubtless destroying my eyesight in some way. Did I mention I'm nearly blind? I don't blame YOU, Light Brite. Never you. You brought only joy into my life.


I remember when my Light Brite went missing one day. TO THIS DAY I BRING UP THIS DEVASTATING EVENT TO MY MOTHER. One day I came home, ready and raring to get to work with my Light Brite. The creative juices were flowing, I was going to make a freakin MASTERPIECE, dammit!! But my Light Brite was nowhere to be found. After an extensive search that steadily grew more panicked by my lack of success in locating my toy, I finally decided to ask my mom, unaware of the heartbreak that was coming. She had thrown it away. It was gone. GONE. In vain I continued to look for it, disbelieving that my own mother could be so heinously cruel as to throw away my favorite toy. But all I ever found were a few stray plastic bulbs. I never fully got over the loss of my Lite Brite. I like to think that somewhere, some random child found my Lite Brite and fell in love with it too, and that it's been passed on to generations of children since then. Wait, no I don't. Keep your filthy paws of my Lite Brite. That's MY Lite Brite, bitch! I'll remove your thumbs with a corkscrew!! Bitch. Yeah. Told you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Y'all Come Back Now! For Updates! Y'hear?

So after yesterday's depressing post, I've decided that something more cheerful is in order. YAY FOR HAPPINESS! I will therefore blog about my mostly happy April. 

And so we have UPDATES:
I actually hadn't posted for quite awhile because I had been dealing with both being really busy and really sick. Sometimes simultaneously. So here are some things that went down in April.

HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!! On the day of my actual bday, my awesome friend Mandy took me out for a day of fun as my present. I also got balloons and a gift card to JAMBA Juice, to which I'm ridiculously addicted! We began the day by going to get amazing pedicures at Queen Nails. We went through the whole treatment, the massages and everything (even the chairs had those mechanical massage ball things in them). And I was so proud of Mandy, she did amazingly well, she didn't even kick the nail technician in the face! Mandy is EXTREMELY ticklish in the general foot area, and the first time that we ever we went to get pedicures it was freakin HILARIOUS. She started laughing hysterically and actually KICKED the poor lady doing her toes. And then it became even worse, if you can imagine, when the lady pulled out her heavy-duty tools for the heels of her feet. I dream about it to this day. I would call it a nightmare, but can you really define something as a "nightmare" if you giggle in your sleep? Hahaha anyhoo, my toes were bright neon pink and Mandy's were neon orange, and we both got adorable leopard print on our big toes. SO CUTE!! I would totally have taken pictures and posted them if I didn't think it was really creepy to take pictures of feet. Ewwww. SO, after our pedicures we HAD to go any get cheap sandals to show them off in. We had not been prepared initially and had worn closed toe shoes! To Payless we went. After a short shopping excursion, we then scooted off to lunch at Olive Garden. It was delicious, as usual. I love their house blush wine there, soooo yummy... Then we traveled to the movies, where we saw Insidious. It was actually pretty good! And scary! I haven't been scared by a movie since The Ring, which almost completely shattered my psyche. I didn't sleep for a while, and I refused to watch the movie again for a looong time. The next time I decided to see it, I brought it to my friend's workplace (a high-end children's clothing store, the least scary place I could think of) and saw it there. And then I wasn't scared anymore. Mostly. Hee. So anyhoo Insidious majorly creeped me out (there's a scene in which the demon-thing is sharpening his metal claw nails on a giant wheel, and that COMPLETELY freaked me out!!) After the movie, we went to get ice cream, and I was very very happy eating my cookie dough. Delicioso. After all that, I met up with my family. My parents had given me moolah toward the ring I wanted to buy for myself, and my little brother David got me an adorable necklace. My sister Julie got me a book that she actually found through noxy's blog, the new Sweet Valley book! And my sister Ali and her boyfriend got me cards (Ivan's card had an iTunes giftcard in it!) and Ali gave me an awesome dinosaur balloon wearing a party hat that I immediately christened Filbert. Here he is:

And then my family took me out to dinner at the Outback, which was super amazing, and I almost died from all the food I had eaten that day. But it was a supremely happy birthday!

Also on my birthday, I went to go buy my birthday gift, my ring from Zales!! I FINALLY WON!! It took calling every single day for two weeks (sometimes twice) to get them to finally concede to my price, but I did it! And I'm so happy I did, they had to learn that it doesn't pay to lie and be deceitful with their customers. In the end, the regional manager that I spoke with was extremely nice, and after speaking with evil person after evil deranged person, it was very refreshing to talk to someone who was committed to helping me. Lovely!

My birthday celebrations weren't limited to the actual day of my birthday! My friends and I all went out for a western-themed evening of fun, starting out with dinner at Texas Roadhouse. After a delicious steak dinner, we headed over to Saddle Up, a country-western themed bar. I went very prepared in my cowboy boots! But apparently, the music is country before 10 pm, after that they play regular music, so they were not needed. Sad. =( But I had SOOO much fun out with my friends! A few of us had drinks and took a few shots, and we were happily dancing (well, some of us. Others do NOT enjoy dancing as much as I do!! Even though I probably look like an idiot!) I went to change out of my cowboy boots and into some flats, which turned out to be a very large mistake. Some drunken idiot decided to let their empty glass fly, and it smashed into the ground and freakin cut my foot open! Who hands out glass glasses to drunk ppl anyways?! I was just going to keep dancing and not worry about it until the inside of my shoe felt oddly...wet. I looked down at my foot and discovered that my minor cut was bleeding profusely. I tried to go out to my car to use my emergency first aid kit (yes, I have one. I admit I'm a dork, albeit a very well prepared dork!) but they had a fight going on outside and refused to let people out, and if they went out they would not be let back in anyway. So I went to the bathroom, where the very nice bathroom attendant attended me, giving me paper towels and band aids. And then I went back to party! it was an awesome night all in all, I always have so much fun when I'm dancing! (The shots helped also. I had an extremely yummy one that tasted exactly like apple pie. DELICIOUS!!) I wish I had taken pictures documenting everything, but I am never prepared for taking pics. I forget what with all the fun going on. Luckily, noxy happens to be an excellent picture taker, and so I shall thieve some of the pictures she took to illustrate things that went down!

Also something majorly fun, we went to go see My Chemical Romance (MCR) at the Aragon Theatre! It was me, noxy, Ali, my cousin Andrew and Ali's friend Diana who went. I had actually already seen MCR three times before (once to see them, once when they were opening for another group, and the third time for Ali as a bday present- they're her fave band) but this was nice cause it was Andrew's first concert ever (and MCR is his favorite band also!) and Diana loves them too. It was a lot of fun! The drive there seemed to take ages, and there were scary midget lesbians everywhere, along with a lot of old ppl (which is WEIRD for a rock concert!) but it was sooo much fun! People were more low-key, there was no moshing but lots of jumping, and the air around us was so incredibly hot that I couldn't BREATHE, but it was fun! There were a couple of oddballs and rude ppl, of course. There was weird plaid guy, for example. He just stood there with his overly excited girlfriend and STARED at people. At first, I thought he was staring at my sister cause he thought she was hot. And then when the crowd shifted, he stared at ME for awhile. CREEPY. And then he actually turned around and stared at noxy for awhile too! Meanwhile his girlfriend jumped like a crazy person, and her swinging ponytail repeatedly hit poor Andrew in the face. Heeee. Here's me n noxy, again in a stolen pic:


Also a lot of fun was Easter, which was very low-key this year. We only had our immediate family there, but the Easter egg hunt was fun, as always! We had a respectable amount of eggs for the hunt, somewhere around 35 dozen. Here's a small sample of the eggs while drying after being dyed:

A lot of people don't quite understand the custom we brought over from Texas, which is throughout the year, we collect the shells of eggs we regularly use. We only open a small hole in the tip of the egg, empty and use the egg, and wash the shell. We then store the empty shells the whole year, and right before Easter we dye them, fill them with confetti, cover the holes with tissue paper, and hide them throughout the yard. Traditionally, the older "kids" hide them, so the younger ones search for them during the egg hunt. This year since it was just us, my mom and aunt actually hid them, and the rest of us got to search! So fun. So anyhoo, we collect the eggs and then we SMASH them on each other's heads. Heh heh. It's awesome. In years' past, we've actually experimented with the filling in the eggs, and we've done shaving cream and flour. The time we mixed those together was absolutely disgusting, the two together created a horrific paste. Everyone had to take showers before we could eat the BBQ. But it was AWESOME =) April was a good month. Lots of celebration. That's the way I likes it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Wouldn't Read This. It's Depressing.

Sooo. It had not been my intent to use this as a sounding off board. But recent anger has prompted me back to blogging, and this one will not be enjoyable. Sorry in advance to my two followers. I don't have a diary, so this will have to do. So...I guess it's an anger that stems from my own feelings of inadequacy. I can't even explain sometimes why this anger just bubbles up. It seems sometimes like maybe I'm just overreacting to a simple statement that wasn't meant to insult or upset me in any way. So maybe I just have anger issues, and that's it. But I feel like it might be deeper than that, if only that it means I have other issues as well. What it comes down to is that a lot of the time, I feel like I'm overlooked and taken advantage of. In many situations.

Ok, this is how it started: tonight I helped my mom with her "homework." She's a teacher, and is required to take a class to keep her certification. She and I were reading through chapters at 1:30 in the morning, and I was writing down summaries and explanations of problem-solving ideas from the information. Somewhere in the middle of working, she started talking to me ONCE AGAIN about her worries about my sister. She's going to begin her first year of college in the fall, and my mother is prone to over worrying about pretty much everything, so this has been a major topic of conversation for a while now. She started talking about how much she's going to miss my sister when she leaves, and how things won't be the same. This whole subject of "leaving" has been a sensitive topic for me ever since I moved out myself. It really hurt me the day that I moved out that not a single person seemed to be sad that I was leaving. They didn't even say goodbye. So tonight when my own mother said, "It was different when you left. I knew you were close by and I would see you. It's different with your sister, she'll be further away and I'll really MISS her," it just...hurt. Like my leaving wasn't as momentous, just because I didn't live on campus? I know it was small, but it felt like the family portrait day all over again. One day the mail came in (when I was still living with my family) and there were photos of our family, a family portrait. I knew nothing of these pictures. They had gone to take a family picture WITHOUT me. And then actually displayed them. They only took them down because I became so upset that they were forced to. I couldn't believe that they had gone to take a family picture and not even mention it to me. I guess I just always feel like an outsider. They're all "the Vera family," and I'm the "Lucio" from the previous marriage. And the "Lucio's" didn't want me either. So I'm on my own?

I feel like I try harder than everyone else does. I love my sister, but she's a mean spirited, spoiled and selfish person sometimes. Not to say that I don't have my own numerous flaws. But I feel like my parents cater to her every want and need like they never did mine when I was her age. And they continue to act that way now also. She had her birthday just yesterday, and we got into a fight at the end of it. Inspired by the news that Osama bin Laden was DEAD, I was using her laptop to look up 9-11 footage. She wanted to go online to do some college stuff, and instead of using the other computer that WASN'T BEING USED, she decided it would be better to kick me off the laptop that I was actively using instead. In the process, we got to arguing (I didn't understand why she was being selfish about the computers) and she eventually told me that I was a selfish, rude bitch. I just looked at the bracelet on her wrist I had given her THAT DAY for her birthday before commenting about it. Then, minutes later when she thought she had missed the deadlines for enrolling in college, she had a major meltdown. Whose selfish, rude bitchy shoulder did she cry on then? Mine. And despite the fact that she had been such a heinous bitch minutes before, I stayed to talk her through her crisis, comforted her, cheered her up. I'm an enabler. And I don't know how to stop, because I just love my family so freakin much. It's not working for me anymore though. I think I just need to remove myself from a toxic situation and focus on MY needs, what I want instead. Not what I should do for everyone else.